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Kalau di rumah anda terdapat dua PC (komputer), atau sebuah laptop dan sebuah PC, maka anda sanggup menghubungkan dua perangkat tersebut u...
Menghubungkan 2 Komputer atau PC dengan kabel Cross, atau biasa orang sebut Crossing…!, yaitu PC ke PC atau LAN Card ke LAN Card t...
Untuk Toshiba model usang yang masih ada Pararel Portnya. Anda harus menciptakan loopback Pararel, ini yaitu perangkat sederhana yang di...
Cara Sharing Koneksi Internet Modem GSM
It is fairly easy to build an electromagnet. All you need to do is wrap some insulated copper wire around an iron core. If you attach a batt...
Boy did you come to the right place and ask the right question. Jefferson Lab is magnet central to the world. Several of the world's mo...
An electromagnet is a magnet that runs on electricity. Unlike a permanent magnet, the strength of an electromagnet can easily be changed ...
In today's world almost all jobs other than a goat herder use some type of electromagnet. They are everywhere. Electric motors are a ...
Stands for "Cathode Ray Tube." CRT is the technology used in traditional computer monitors and televisions. The image on a CRT di...
Stands for "Video Graphics Array." It is the standard monitor or display interface used in most PCs. Therefore, if a montior is VG...
Stands for "Liquid Crystal Display." LCDs are super-thin displays that are used in laptop computer screens and flat panel monitors...